Saturday, November 10, 2018

Learning Experiences

Writing Ignition has been a process full of learning experiences that we would never have been educated on otherwise. I (Brooke) personally didn't even know that you could have either print on demand or a large supply already available for purchase! I don't know what I thought, but I guess I never really had to think about it until it was my job to. We started out as print on demand, where one book is printed when someone ordered one, because for a couple of people just trying to get their work out there, that was the easiest and quickest way. Now, we have a lot of books printed that are being stored, so they're available whenever you want to pick up a copy! We also learned about the different types of editors. We used a line editor and a copy editor. The line editor's job is to basically go through the whole book and mark any spelling, grammer, or formatting mistakes; whereas a copy editor basically reviews the content of your story and tells you which concepts, characters, themes, etc. can and should be elaborated on or changed. A copy editor basically gives you their opinion on how to make your book better and what you can do to make it more enjoyable for the reader. One last thing we learned about were ISBNs. An ISBN is the long number on the back of the book underneath the barcode. This is basically like the book's social security number of sorts, meaning that every book has a different number. The ISBN is specific for each version of any book so that it is easily identifiable by it's tracking number. This means that if a book that was originally printed in paperback is now made available in a hard cover, you would need a new ISBN. The same goes for if you decide you want to design a new book cover for the exact same book. This is so that it is easy to find and order the exact book you want, without any confusion. I hope you learned something new!

Ignition is entered in the TKC book competition under YA/MG (young adult/middle grade) fiction. It would be great if you voted for us!! The link to vote is in the bio of our instagram page - @luminescent_calling 
Voting ends December 12th 2018. 

We are also entered in American Best Book Awards and as a result, we are currently featured on the American Book Fest website under young adult fiction! If you want to check that out, the link is at the bottom of this post. 

For those of you who haven't read it, the synopsis of Ignition is directly below. If you like it and want to read more, find us on Amazon and get a copy of your own! 

Bret Pine sees something in the woods that leaves him very troubled. He’s not sure he can even talk about it without being labeled as crazy. When the disappearance of a family of four from Europe draws national media attention, some people in town want to point fingers. 
Then, on the last day before summer break begins, Bret and his friend Ashley, blow the school’s electric grid with a single touch. A few people close to Bret seem to know more than they want to admit about the legend of Light Guardians and it has him seriously contemplating his murky beginnings. 
There’s no stepping outside anymore without the feeling that he’s being watched. For Bret, the questions only get deeper when he’s carried off by a creature that isn’t supposed to exist, to a place he could have never dreamt up.  
When a man arrives searching for two powerful young Light Guardians and proves himself willing to kill to get to them, Bret and Ashley will be dragged into a war, a war they didn’t even know existed. 

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Learning Experiences

Writing Ignition has been a process full of learning experiences that we would never have been educated on otherwise. I (Brooke) person...